

时间:2024-01-30 08:35:54 总结报告

名词的总结 第1篇


This book is very interesting. 这本书很有趣。


I love this book. 我爱这本书。


She is a lovely girl.她是一个可爱的女孩儿。


Bird flu,a new disease,has no effective cure.禽流感是一种新的疾病,没有特效疗法。

名词的总结 第2篇

1.'s 所有格的构成

2.'s 所有格的逻辑语义关系


所谓“所属关系”,就是指某人所拥有的人或物。例如:my father-in-law's company; my sister's boyfriend; the children's books; women's wear; Tom and John are men's names; student's book; teacher's book.


所谓“主谓关系”,是指所有格名词相当于主语,而被修饰的名词相当于一个谓语。此时,这个被修饰的名词通常都是由一个动词转化过来的。例如:How will Bhutto's death affect the world?; the teacher's request= the teacher requests/requested; Britain's decision= Britain decided.


所谓“动宾关系”,是指被修饰的名词相当于一个谓语,且是及物动词。而所有格名词相当于这个及物动词的宾语。此时,这个被修饰的名词通常都是由一个动词转化过来的。例如:the children's education=(somebody)educated the children; the boy's punishment=(somebody)punished the boy.


例如:For Washington, Bhutto's loss is incalculable.


所有格「‘s」用在表示时间的名词后面。例如:today's newspaper; tomorrow's weather; tonight's TV; last night's storm; a hard day's work; a week's holiday; a month's salary; three hours' delay


所有格「‘s」用在表示度量的名词后面。例如:two pounds' weight; a ton's weight; a ton's steel; two dollars' worth of sugar; ten dollars' worth of meat 10


例如:China's population; China's industrial development; China's exports and imports in January; America's West Coast; Shanghai Tower, Shanghai's tallest building; the city's weather; the European Union's exports; the world's there most famous tenors; the world's seven wonders


例如:the car's exhaust; the plane's engine; the yacht's mast; the ship's boiler.


名词的总结 第3篇


名词是用来表示人、事物、地点以及抽象事物的名称(A noun is the name of a person or thing.)。比如:


名词的分类标准有很多,依照不用的标准,就有不同的分类。一般来讲,英语中的名词通常分类两大类:专有名词(proper noun)普通名词(common noun)

(1)专有名词(proper noun)

(2)普通名词(common noun)

对于普通名词,可根据「是否可以被分割」分为可数名词(countable noun)不可数名词(uncountable noun)。另外,根据名词的构成,我们可将名词分为简单名词复合名词。简单名词就是组成部分不可被分割的名词,比如story, student和teacher等。复合名词就是由若干单词组合而构成的名词,比如girlfriend, roommate和mother-in-law等。


名词的总结 第4篇




the roof of the church; the name of the song; the title of the book; the leg of the table. 总体来说,‘s所有格主要是用于有生命的名词,而xxx格主要是用于无生命的名词。从这个意义上来说,两种所有格是互为补充的关系,在彼此不作为的领域发挥著作用。


例如:What is the name of the boy sitting next to her?; The mother of the boy in a red suit is president of our company.; I took the advice of an old man I met during a journey and decied to make something of myself.

2. xxx格的逻辑语义关系


基本结构是N1+of+N2,这里N1是由不及物动词变化过来的名词,表示某个行为,这一行为是由N2来发出的。或者说,N2是N1行为的执行者。比如:the arrival of my mother; the emergence of a strong center party; the rise of the . Superpower.; the arrival of the train; the growth of agriculture.


基本结构是N1+of+N2,这里N1是由及物动词变化过来的名词,与上述「主谓关系」相反,N2是N1的承受着,而不是执行者。例如:America's invasion of Iraq; William's conquest of England; a statement of the facts; the discussion of the plan; the shooting of the rebels.


其结构是N1+of+N2,这里N2表示N1的具体内容,二者互为同位说明。例如:the city of Rome; the news of the team's victory; the news of the team's having won.

名词的总结 第5篇



① 多用来表示有生命的人或动物的所有关系

the teacher's book 老师的书

ants' nest 蚂蚁窝

② 表示时间、距离、国家、城市的所有格用's

today's match 今天的比赛

an hour's rest 一个小时的休息

Bejing' s weather 北京的天气



the colour of the car 这车的颜色

the title of the passage该文章的题目

the arrival of the visitors (有生命)来宾抵达

Jane's love of dogs (有生命)xxx狗


① 名词+of+名词所有格

莎士比亚的一个戏剧: a play of Shakespeare' s

我爸爸的一个朋友: a friend of my father' s

这位作家的一部小说: a novel of the writer' s

② 名词+ of+名词性物主代词

我的一个朋友: a friend of mine

她的一个外甥: a nephew of hers

他们的一个女儿: a daughter of theirs


Mary and Alice' s mother Mary和Alice的母亲

Mr. Smith' s and Mr. Black' s cars Mr. Smith和Mr. Black的车

2、名词加 -'s变为名词所有格的规则


the boy's schoolbag那个男孩的书包

the driver' s phone numbe 司机的电话号码

(2)以-s结尾的复数名词在-s后加“ ' ”构成所有格

the teachers' reading room教师阅览室

the officers' living quarters军官住宅区


children's books儿童读物

the women's movement妇女运动

(3)以-s结尾的单数名词一般在词尾加 ' 构成

my boss's

my dress's