

时间:2024-05-11 09:58:07 总结报告

英语虚拟语气英语总结 第1篇


虚拟语气的相关语法(Subjunctive Mood)

除了wish之外,下列各动词(如 suggest)的.后面的虚拟语气宾语从句,谓语用:

“should + 动词原形”表示建议(suggest)、坚持(insist)等虚拟语气:

* suggest (建议),recommend (推荐),advise (劝告),propose (建议)

* insist (坚持),consent (允诺)

* decide (决定),order (命令)

* request (要求),demand (要求),desire (期望),ask (要求)

* maintain (主张),urge (催促)

1. I suggest that we (should 可省略,下同) start the meeting at once.

(suggest, should + start) (表示建议立即开会)

2. The doctor suggested that he (should ) try to lose his weight.

(suggested, should + try) (表示建议你应该减肥喔)

3. He insisted that all of us (should) be there on time by any mains.

(insisted, should + be) (表示坚持,无论如何都要准时到那儿。你再讲也没用哩!)

4. He insisted that we (should) tell him the news.

(insisted, should + tell) (表示非要你告诉他不可)

5. He ordered that the students (should) wash the clothes every week bthemselves.

(ordered, should + wash) (表示命令学生们每周自己洗衣服)


下列名词后的表语从句或同位语从句,也用“should + 动词原形“”表示虚拟语气:

* demand (要求),desire (请求),requirment (要求)

* advice (劝告),recommendation (建议),suggestion (建议)

* order (命令)

* necessity (必要地),preference (优先)

* proposal (计划),plan (计划),idea (办法)

1. The advice is that we (should 可省略,下同) leave at once.

(名词advice,should + leave) (表示加以劝告)

2. My idea is that we (should) get more people to attend the conference.

(idea,should + get) (表示做出主意)

3. I make a proposal that we (should) hold a meeting next week.

(proposal,should + hold) (表示做出计划)


句型:It is (或was) + 形容词(或过去分词) + that …… +should + 动词原形……

句子:It is natural that she should do so. (形容词natural,should+动词原形do)


* natural (自然的),appropriate (适当的),advisable (合适的),preferable (更

可取的),better (更好的)

* nece

英语虚拟语气英语总结 第2篇





how nice it would be if you could stay a bit longer.

表示过去情况的虚拟条件句(与事实完全相反的假设情况), 谓语主要形式如下:

if i hadn’t taken your advice, i would have made a bad mistake,

you wouldn’t have caught cold if you had put on more clothes.

有时候, 条件从句表示的动作和主句表示的动作, 发生的时间是不一致的(如一个是过去发生的, 一个是现在发生的). 这时, 动词的形式要根据表示的时间来调整. 这种句子可以称为错综。

英语虚拟语气英语总结 第3篇







1. 虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的运用

(1) if条件状语从句中的虚拟语气


①表示与现在事实相反的假设,从句的谓语动词用“动词过去式(be一般用were)”,主句的谓语动词用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形”。例如:

If you were the UN Secretary General, could you stop the wars on the earth?

If he had a chance, he would/should/ might/could choose to study abroad。

②表示与过去事实相反的假设,从句的谓语动词用“had+过去分词”,主句的谓语动词用“should (would, could, might)+have+过去分词”。

If Li Ming had spent more time on her studies, she might/would/could/should have been admitted to Tsinghua University last year。

⑵ 省略连词if 的虚拟条件句中

如果把连接条件从句的连词if省略,必须将从句的谓语部分的助动词had, 情态动词should或系动词were等移至主语之前,构成倒装语序。例如:

Had he kxxxn my address(=If he had kxxxn my address), he would have visited me earlier。

Should I meet Jay Zhou some day(=If I should meet Jay Zhou some day), I might tell him that I like him.

Were I you(=If you were I), I would get on well with my teachers and classmates。

【记忆小窍门】可提到句首的词有三个:had, should和were。谐音记忆:一马当先“还属我”。



①通过with, without, but for和动词不定式短语等表示虚拟的条件

She’d look better with shorter hair. =if she had her hair cut shorter

Without your help, we could not have completed the task ahead of time. =If it had not been for your help…

But for the heavy xxxw, I could have gone on holiday. =If there had not been the heavy xxxw…

She would be shocked to hear the news. =If she heard the news…

It would be easier to do it in this way. =If you did it in this way…

②句中含有or, or else, otherwise, but等词语,暗示句子的某一部分(前句或后句)需用虚拟语气。

He was on business in Beijing at that time; otherwise he might have helped us。

Luckily Mary telephoned to inform me of the meeting, or would have been I absent。

I should have attended my friend’s wedding ceremony, but I couldn’t afford the time。


⑴在主语从句中, 在下面的几种情况下,谓语动词通常用“should +动词原形”

①It is+形容词+that…句型。常见的形容词有important, necessary, natural, funny, strange, surprising, astonishing(令人惊讶的)等。

② It is +名词+that…句型。常见的名词有pity, shame, advice, suggestion, proposal(提议,建议), requirement, request, desire, order等。

③ It is+动词的过去分词+ that…句型。常见的动词有advise, order, propose, request, suggest, demand, require等。

在以上三种句型中,主语从句的谓语动词要用“should+动词原形”, should可省略。例如:

It is important that we (should) have a good kxxxledge of computer in modern times。

It is necessary that these useful expressions (should) be learnt by heart。

It is a shame that children (should) be forced to beg in the streets in the capital city。

It's suggested that the school (should) organize an outing when spring comes。

It is required that middle-schools students (should) take at least one-hour exercise every day。

⑵在下列动词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可省略。这类动词有:insist(坚持), urge (催促), order(命令), command(命令), request(请求,要求), demand(要求),require(要求,需要)suggest(建议),advise(建议),propose(建议) , recommend(建议, 推荐) 等。

The captain insisted that the wounded soldier (should) be sent to hospital at once。

The policeman demanded the thief (should) tell his name and address。

Doctors strongly recommend that fathers (should) be present at their baby's birth。

【记忆小窍门】一个“坚持”和”催促”、二个“命令”, 三个“要求”, 四个“建议”。

⑶在含有advice, order, demand, proposal(提议) requirement, suggestion等名词的表语从句、同位语从句中,谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可省略。

The governor gave order that the flood (should) be controlled before dark。

My suggestion is that the project (should) be completed by the end of the year。

在一些名词性从句中,谓语动词用“should+动词原形”或“should +have done”,表示惊讶、意志等感情色彩,译为“竟然,居然”。

I am surprised /shocked that you should speak in such a way。

I find it astonishing that he should be so rude to his mum。

It is strange /surprising that she should not have been invited。

I am glad that your story should have won the first prize。


①表示将来的愿望实现的可能性非常小,wish后的宾语从句的谓语动词用should/would/could/ might+动词原形。

We wish the friendship between the two countries would last forever。


②He always wishes he were a millionaire and owned a big house and a sports car.


③How he wished he hadn’t wasted too much time on playing computer games while at school.

⑸在would rather/would prefer后的宾语从句中

在would rather/would prefer后的宾语从句中,常用过去时表示与现在或将来事实相反的愿望,用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反的愿望。

⑹在would rather/would prefer从句中

①Frankly speaking, I would rather you came tomorrow. The manager isn’t available today。

②I would rather you had gone to the party with me last night. It was really wonderful。

③―Could I smoke here?

―I'd prefer it if you didn’t smoke in front of the children。

3. 在as if/though 后的方式状语从句中,表示某种情况与现在的事实相反, 谓语动词用过去式;表示即将发生的情况“用情态动词+动词原形”;表示某种的情况有过去的事实相反, 谓语动词用过去完成时。

The coach always treats the players as if they were his own children.

She was suffering from a bad cold. Her head felt as if it would burst。

Gary was behaving as though nothing had happened。

4.在in case, in order that目的状语从句中

在in case 引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词用“should+动词原形”;在so that, in order that 等引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词除了用“should+动词原形”外,还可用“might/could/would+动词原形”。

In case you should need any help, here’s my number。

In order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically。

I took a taxi so that I would/could/might be in time for the appointment。

5. 在It is (high) time(that)…定语从句中,谓语用过去时或用should+动词原形。should不可省略。

It’s high time that we devoted/should devote our time to preparing for the coming exam。

6. 在if only感叹句中

if only表示“但愿……”,“要是……就好了”,句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。其构成的方法与wish后的宾语从句基本相同。

If only Xiao Hua’s mother were still alive!

If only I had kxxxn the answer when my teacher questioned me。

If only I could fly to the moon in Shenzhou Ⅷ spaceship。

7. 在简单句中


Would you be kind enough to show me the way to the post office? 您能否指点我去邮局的路?

Could you let me have your passport? 看看你的护照好吗?

Might I speak to you for a moment? 我能和你谈一下吗?(使用might比may更客气)



May you succeed in the future!

May the friendship between us last long!

英语虚拟语气英语总结 第4篇


1 语气(mood)


2 语气的种类


①there are two sides to every question.每个问题都有两个方面。

②were you busy all day yesterday?昨天一整天你都很忙吗?

③how good a teacher she is!她是多好的一位老师啊!


①never be late again!再也不要迟到了。

②don’t forget to turn off the light.别忘了关灯。


①if i were a bird, i could fly in the air.如果我是一只小鸟,我就能在空中飞行。

②i wish i could pass the examination.我希望我能通过考试。

③may you succeed!祝您成功!




⑴.would you be kind enough to show me the way to the post office?请你告诉我去邮局的路好吗?

⑵.it would be better for you not to stay up too late.你最好别熬夜到很晚。



⑴、may good luck be yours!祝你好运!

⑵、may you be happy!祝你快乐!

⑶、may you do even better!祝你取得更大成就!

⑷、may you have a good time. 祝愿你玩的痛快。

⑸、may the friendship between us last long. 祝愿我们的友情天长地久。

⑹、may you be happy. (注意那个be ) 祝你幸福。


(1).long live the people! 人民万岁!

(2).“god bless you,”said the priest.牧师说:“愿上帝保佑你!”

(3).have a good journey! 祝愿你旅途愉快!


(1).god save me.

(2).heaven help us.




3.虚拟语气动词用一般现在时态(simple present),如:work, be , go


(1). work !

(2). work harder !

(3). be more alert ! (虚拟语气动词be)

(4). you go out !

(5). do not work so hard. (do not 表示否定的虚拟语气)

(6). don’t be afraid. (口语中常用don’t 代替do not)


(1).you’d better set off xxx.你最好现在就出发。

(2).i’d rather not tell you the secret.我情愿不告诉你这个秘密。





if i had enough money xxx , i would lend it to you.

if i were you , i would go to tell him the real feeling upon him.


if he had taken your advice , he wouldn‘t have made such a bad mistake.

she would have come to enjoy the party if she hadn‘t been very busy.


i would go shopping with you if it were to be sunday tomorrow.

if he were to be given another chance to do it again, he could certainly achieve more.



had i been(= if i had been ) in that situation, i would not have let the thief escape away with so much money.

should there be (= if there should be) a drought, what should we do at that time ?



if we hadn‘t been working hard in the past few years , things wouldn’t be going so smoothly.

if the party hadn ‘t led the chinese people to liberate the country,chinese people would still live a life in pain and poverty.


有时假设的情况并不以条件从句的形式表现出来,而是通过某个介词或介词短语(如:with, otherwise, without, but for, in that position )、上下文或其它方式表现出来。这种句子称为含蓄条件句。例如:

but for the help from you , i would not have had the chance to go to college.

i would never mind you making such loud noises, but, you see, my baby is in a deep sleep.

it was so quiet ; you could have heard a pin drop.




这一类的虚拟语气是通过从句中的谓语动词使用“should +动词原形”体现出来的,should可以省略。其具体运用体现在:

1.在suggest , order, demand , propose, command, request, desire,insist等表示建议、命令、要求、意见的动词后接的宾语从句中要使用虚拟语气。

he suggests that she should leave the house at once.

the leader ordered that the task(should) be finished as soon as possible.

he proposed that we (should) deal with the problem by the view of development.

2.与suggest , order, demand , propose, command, request, desire,insist等动词相对应的名词suggestion, order, demand , proposal 等后的表语从句或同位语从句中要使用虚拟语气。如:

the general sent the order that the battle(should) be held on untilthe complete failure of the enemy.

my proposal is that we(should) set a deadline for handing in the plan.

3.在it is/was suggested (ordered , demanded , proposed , etc. ) 结构以及necessary , essential, important, strange, natural等形容词后的主语从句中要使用虚拟语气。如:

it‘s requested that we (should) keep the stability of the society for the people’s peaceful life.

it is necessary that the badly wounded man(should) be treated immediately.



1. wish , would rather 后的宾语从句。如:

he wished he had never been involved in such affairs.

i would rather you could teach me again.

2. as if, as though引导的从句。如:

the little boy kxxxs so many things as if he was a man.

he acted as usual as though nothing had happened.

3.由if only (要是……,那该多好啊!)引导的惊叹句。如:

if only i had passed the test !

if only it stopped raining!

4. it is(about/high) time 后的定语从句。如:

it is time we went out for a walk.

it was high time they had begun to prepare the experiment.


英语虚拟语气英语总结 第5篇


2. 注意四个情态动词的用法

(1)若表示在某一假设的条件下,必然而然就会发生某事,第一人称可用should或would, 而二、三人称只用would.




当虚拟条件句中含有 were,had,should,could等动词时,可以将if省略,然后将 were,had,should,could等词移至句首。

注意:以上移至句首的 had不一定是助动词,如果是实义动词也可倒装:

If he had money,he would buy a car. Hadhe money,hewould buy a car.


If you had not been strict withme when I was young, I could not be such a successful person xxx.(这种虚拟语气的特点是主句中常含有时间准状语xxx


(2)Should anyone come and ask for me, tell them I willcome back tomorrow.(主句为祈使句,条件句与将来事实相反,表示说话人认为某件事情发生的可能性很小。)




I should be happyto go with you. (=I should be happy if I could go with you.)


Born in bettertimes, he would have been a scholar. (=If he had been born in better times, he…)


Without air, no onecould live. (=If there were no air, no one could live.)

常用的介词或介词短语,如but for, but that, without, in case of, under,under more favorable condition等。


A true friend wouldnot have betrayed me. (=If he had been atrue friend, he would…)

(5)将条件隐含在某些连词(如or, or else, otherwise等)中。用法如下:它们后的句子如果说的不是客观事实,它们前边的句子采用陈述语气,后边的句子采用虚拟语气。

(a)句子(一般现在时)+ or, or else, otherwise + 句子(谓语部分:should\\would\\could\\might等+ 动词原形)

Don’t bother toread all these papers. It would take too long.

(=…If you read all these papers, it would taketoo long)

常用来表示含蓄虚拟条件的手段连词如:so that, unless, in case, supposing, lest,provided,for fear that, oncondition that, if only等。

(注:lest, for fear that和in case引起的从句中谓语动词多用should+动词原形,但可以不用虚拟语气,而用动词的陈述语气形式。)


例:I would have bought it yesterday, but I had nomoney.

英语虚拟语气英语总结 第6篇


一. 情态动词虽然不能单独充当句子的谓语,但可以表示出主语的情感、意志、能力或决心等感情,有确定的意义。对于情态动词,一方面要弄清楚本身的意思;另一方面要弄清楚情态动词之间的区别,并且还须根据上下文的意思来确定情态动词的应用。

1.表能力:can一般表示本身所具有的能力;be able to一般表示通过学习、训练而获得的一种能力。

2.表可能:can表示一种可能性.be able to表示一种结果。can表示事实上的可能,may表示理论上的可能。

3.表请求:can为非正式用语,一般用于否定和疑问句;may为正式用语,一般用于肯定和疑问句。因此,当用may提问时,它的否定回答应该是:N。.…can’t/mustn’t to

4.表推测:can一般用于否定和疑问句中,may一般用于肯定和否定句中;can’t的意思是“不可能”,而may not的意思是“可能不”;should一般表示根据事物的发展规律、人的品行特点或所约定的时间作出的推测;will表根据人或事物一般所表现出来的情况而进行的推测;must表示根据事实或现象对事物或人所作的肯定推测,不用于否定或疑问句。

5.表意志:will一般表示主语的意志;shall一般表示征求听话人的意志;must一般表示主观意志,有时用来表示主语做与说话人意愿相反的事情,意思是“偏偏,偏要”have to表示客观要求,意思是“不得不,除此之外没有别的办法”。用must提问时的否定回答须用can’t/needn’t;mustn’t与don’t have to的意思大不相同,前者表示“禁止”,意思是:一定不能;后者表示“没有必要”,意思是“不必”,相当于。eed。,t o

6.表义务:should一般表示主观的想法或建议;ought to一般表示客观道义上的要求。

7.表过去情况:should/ought to have done表示过去该做的事情而没有做,含有对对方的责备;could/might have done表示过去做某事的一种可能,不含责备;used to表过去常做某事,而现在已经不做了;would表示过去经常做某事,至于现在还做否,不于考虑。

8. 表需要:除动词的时态、语态之外,动词的语气也是英语中重要内容之一。动词何种语气,即:陈述语气、祈使语气和虚拟语气。

二. 虚拟语气用来表示与客观事实相反或实现的可能性很小的一种假设。其形式有:




(3)与过去事实不符:If+主语+had done,主语+would +have done







(2)wish,would rather的宾语从句及if only所引导的从句,须用虚拟语气,即:从句用过去时(be用were)表示与现在或将来的事实不符;从句用过去完成时,表示与过去事实不符。

(3)without,but for等介词短语作状语时,句子一般用虚拟语气,即:主语+would have done。

(4)for fear that,lest等引导的状语从句,一般用虚拟语气,即:would do/have done。

(5)It is(high)time that+从句。从句一般用虚拟语气,即:主语+过去时或should+动词原形。

(6)表示祝愿时,一般用虚拟语气,即:倒装结构May you do sth.!/Long live...!/Happy birthday(New Year)!/Many happy returns of the day!



--Tom graduated from college at a very young age.

--Oh,he ________have been a very smart boy then.

A.could B.should C.might D.must

【答案及解析】D must表示肯定推测,意思是:Tom肯定很聪明。


“The interest ________be divided into five parts,according to the agreement made by both sides,”declared the judge.

A.may B.should C.must D.shall

【答案及解析】 D 由declared the judge可知,前面的话是法官的判词,必须强制执行。shall用于第二、第三人称时,表义务、强制,而其它三个选项无此义。


There are eight tips in Dr Roger’s lecture on-sleep,and one of them is:________to bed early unless you think it is necessary.

A.doesn’t go B.not to go C.not going D.don’t go



--I’11 tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.

--You ________her last week.

A.ought to tell B.would have told C.must tell D.should have told



--Excuse me.Is this the right way to the Summer Palace?

--Sorry,I am not sure.But it ________be.

A.might B.will C.must D.can

【答案及解析】A表示可能性时,选项A表示把握很少的可能;B表示根据平常情况的推测;C表示有很大把握的推测;D表示理论上的可能。根据I am not sure,答案选A。


I ________pay Tracy a visit,but I am not sure, whether I will have time this Sunday.

A.should B.might C.would D.could

【答案及解析】 A选项A表示在某种意义上应该干……;B表示过去的一种可能性;C表示与客观事实不相符的情况;D表示过去的一种可能性。根据句子及选项的意思,答案选A,表示应该去拜访Tracy。


--I don’t mind telling you what I kxxx.

--You ________.I’m not asking you for it.

A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.needn’t

【答案及解析】D mustn’t(不可以),may not(可能不),can’t(不可能,不可)都不合题意。从下文I’m not asking you for it可知,选项D(没有必要)为正确答案。意思是:你没有必要告诉我。


I often see lights in that empty house.Do you think I ______report it to the police?

A.should B.may C.will D.can

【答案及解析】 A should意为“应该”,may、can表许可或可能,will表意愿。由Do you think...可知说话者在征求别人的意见,即他是否应该把那事报告给警察。很明显,B、C、D都不合题意。


Mr. White ________at 8:30 for the meeting,but he didn’t show up.

A.should have arrived B.should arrive

C.should have had arrived D.should be arriving

【答案及解析】 A should have done表过去该做的事没做。should do表现在或将来应该怎么样。从didn’t可知此题指的是过去,故答案选A。


--Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

--No,it ________be him--I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.

A.can’t B.must not C.won’t D.may not

【答案及解析】 A根据语境:--难道那个不是Ann的丈夫吗?--不可能的--我确定他不戴眼镜的。后者否定前者说的话,故选A。B表示禁止;c表示不愿或不会;D表示可能不。


You ________be tired--you’ve only been working for an hour.

A.must not B.won’t C.can’t D.may not

【答案及解析】C can’t意思是“不可能”,表推测;A不准、禁止;B不愿意;D可能不。


Children under 12 years of age in that country ________be under adult supervision when in a public library.

A.must B.may C.can D.need

【答案及解析】A must意为“必须,一定”,表示一种要求;may意为“可以,可能”,表示允许或可能性;can意为“可以,可能,能够”,表示允许、能力或可能性;need意为“需要”,表示自身的不足。本题大意为:12岁以下的孩子在公共图书馆要有父母的监管。这是一种要求,因此正确答案选A。

真题13(2004天津卷31) ’

--Who is the girl standing over there?

--Well,if you ________kxxx,her name is Mabel.

A.may B.can C.must D.shall



--Excuse me,but 1 want to use your computer to type a report.

--You ________have my computer if you don’t take care of it.

A.shan’t B.might not C.needn’t D.shouldn’t

【答案及解析】 A考查情态动词的意思和用法。选项B表示可能性;C表示没有必要;D表示责备;只有A表示允诺或禁止的意思,故答案选A。


You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ________not like the design of the furniture.

A.must B.shall C.may D.need

【答案及解析】C must与not连用时表禁止,意为“不可以”,如表推测则不能用于否定句;shall表强制,与not连用意为“不可以”;may not表推测时,可用于否定句,意为“可能不”;need not意为“没有必要”。根据句子意思,本题答案应为C,意思为“你最好告诉那个制造商,男性顾客可能不喜欢那种款式的家具”。


A left-luggage office is a place where bags ________be left for a short time,especially at a railway station.

A.should B.can C.must D.will

【答案及解析】 B can“能够”,用于肯定句中表示可能性。此句中指人可以把包裹存放在行李存放处。should“应当”;must“必须”,表义务和责任;will表示愿意。


How ________you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?

A.can B.must C.need D.may

【答案及解析】A can“可能;能够”,用于疑问句和否定句表示惊异,不相信等。译文:如果你只看了文章的一部分,怎么可以说你了解了整个故事呢?答案为A。


--The room is SO dirty.________we clean it?

--0f course.

A.Will B.Shall C.Would D.Do

【答案及解析】B shall用于广般疑问句中,主语常用第一、第三人称,表示征求对方意见或请求允许;而will和would在疑问句中,主语常用第二人称。译文:--房间如此脏乱。我们打扫一下好吗?--当然可以。


Naturally,after I told her what to do,my daughter ________go and do the opposite!

A.may B.can C.must D.should

【答案及解析】C 从句意及opposite可看出,本句的意思是在述说女儿天生叛逆的性格。Naturally意思是“生来就是这样”,must表示与说话人的愿望相反,意思是“偏偏,偏要”,因此整个句子的意思是“我女儿生来就如此,我叫她做这件事,她偏要做相反的事”。


My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared.Who ________have taken it?

A.should B.must C.could D.would

【答案及解析】C could have done表示对过去情况的推断,可能是……;should have done表示本来应该做而没有做;must have done表示过去一定那样做了,对过去情况的断定;would have done常用来表示虚拟语气。


Look at the trouble I am in! If only I ________your advice.

A.followed B.would follow C. had followed D.should follow

【答案及解析】 c虚拟语气用if only引导。if only“要是……就好了”。从句中用了虚拟语气。意为“如果听了你的劝告,我就不会有那么多麻烦”。


--Is John coming by train?

--He should,but he ________not. He likes driving his car.

A.must B.can C.need D.may

【答案及解析】D come,go,leave,start等趋向动词的进行时表示将来,所以答语是对这一将来动作作出的推断。may not“可能不;不一定”,根据H。likes driving his car可以看出John可能乘火车来,也可能自己开车来。may not正好符合这一语境。must not“不准”;cannot“不可能”;need not“不必”。

真题23(2002北京卷31) 、

--I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.

--It ________true because there was little xxxw there.

A.may not be. B.won’t be C.couldn’t be D.mustn’t be

【答案及解析】C couldn’t+动词原形,表示对过去情况的否定推测。There was little xxxw说明对方所说的去山里滑雪这件事不可能是真的。另外,may not be表示对现在情况的否定推测。


It has been announced that candidates ________remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

A. can B.will C.may D.shall

【答案及解析】D shall用于陈述句的第二、第三人称时,表示说话人的意图、允诺、警告、命令、决心等,意思是“必须,应,可”。译文:据宣布,考生在收卷前必须坐在自己的座位上。


It is hard for me to imagine what 1 would be doing today if I ________in love,at the age of seven,with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.

A.wouldn’t have fallen B.had not fallen

C.should fall D.were to fall

【答案及解析】 B根据句意和1 would be doing可以判断这是虚拟语气。at the age of seven是表示过去的时间状语,if从句中的谓语要用had not fallen,表示对过去情况的假设。由于主句中的谓语表示对现在的虚拟,条件句中的谓语表示对过去情况的虚拟,增加了试题的难度,但是,使用排除法可以容易地做出该题:should fall和were to fall都可以用于条件句中表示对将来的虚拟;wouldn’t have fallen不用于条件句中,所以都不能作为答案。译文:如果我不在七岁时就迷恋上了我们家乡的Melinda Cox图书馆,我真不能想象我今天会做什么。


--I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian coins.________I have a look?


A.D0 B.May C.Shall D.Should

【答案及解析】B may表示征求对方的同意。May I have a look? “我可以看看吗?”shall用于询问或请对方作决定的建议中,表示“让某人做……”。Shall I have a look? =Do you want me to have a look?


Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach.I _____so much fried chicken just xxx.

A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eaten

C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat

【答案及解析】C.just xxx是表示过去的时间状语。情态动词在表示过去发生的事时,必须用“情态动词+have+过去分词”的形式,所以只能在选项B和C中选择。B选项是错误的,没有这种表示方法。译文:噢,我觉得胃不舒服。我刚才不应该吃那么多炸鸡。


I was really anxious about you. You ________ home without a word.

A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left

C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave

【答案及解析】B 表示原本不应该做某事,含责备之意。


You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ________be so rude to a lady.

A. might B. need C. should D. would

【答案及解析】C should 表示“应该”。


What would have happened ________, a far as the river bank?

A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk farther

C. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther

【答案及解析】C 主句的谓语动词用了would have happened,所以从句的谓语动词要用过去完成时。在虚拟语气中,如果条件状语从句中的if省略,该句要倒装。译文:如果xxx走远一点,走到河边,会发生什么事呢?


Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How ________it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?

A. can B. should C. may D. must

【答案及解析】A can表示可能性的推测,常用于否定句和疑问句中;may表示可能性时常用于肯定句中或否定句中;must 常用于肯定句中表推测。注意:can not表示“不可能”,而may not表示“或许不…, 可能步… ”译文:xxx生按时做好一切事。他来xxx开幕式迟到了可能会是什么样的情景呢?答案为A。


He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _______a goal.

A. had scored B. scored C. would score D. would have scored

【答案及解析】D 根据otherwise可以判断出要用虚拟语气。表示过去发生的事要用would have scored。译文:在踢球前他犹豫了一会儿,否则他就会射中球门。


--Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

--I’m not sure.I ________go to the concert instead.

A.must B.would C.should D.might

【答案及解析】D might后接动词原形的意思是“可能做某事”。因为对方回答说:“I’m not sure.”表明他可能会去看音乐会,但没有十分的把握。答案选D。


My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon,so he ________your lecture.

A.couldn’t have attended B.needn’t have attended

C.mustn’t have attended D.shouldn’t have attended

【答案及解析】A must have done表示对过去事情的肯定推测,多用于肯定句中;needn’t have done表示过去本不必做某事;shouldn’t have done表示过去做了不该做的事情;can’t(couldn’t)have done表示对过去的否定性推测,意为“不可能”。所提供的情境My sister met him at the Grand Theatre表示他不可能参加讲座。答案为A。


Sorry I’m late.I ________have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.

A.might B.should C.can D.will

【答案及解析】 A might have done sth.的意思是“(过去)可能做某事”,表推测;should have done sth.的意思是“本来应该做某事”,表责备。从句子的意思可知,可能当时把闹钟关上了,而不是本来应该把闹钟关上。答案为A。

英语虚拟语气英语总结 第7篇

四. 注意事项

1. 错综时间虚拟条件句中

如果if条件句表示的动作与主句表示的动作发生的时间不一致,从句和主句的谓语动词的形式要根据各自的时间来调整, 这种情况被称作“错综时间虚拟语气”或“混合虚拟语气”。

If America had not made wars on Iraq, the Iraqi people would be living a peaceful life xxx。

If I were you, I would have visited the museum yesterday.

If we didn’t have an exam tomorrow, my friends and I could be playing football xxx。

2. 有时,只在条件句或主句中使用虚拟语气,而另一分句用陈述语气。

If you should change your mind, do let me kxxx。

Should anyone call (= If anyone calls), please tell them that I’m busy。

Can you read that form carefully, if you wouldn’t mind, and then sign it?

I would appreciate it if you call back this afternoon for the doctor's appointment.

―What would you do if it rains tomorrow?

―We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everything ready。

3. 在一些日常会话中,一些简单句通常暗含虚拟的意味。句中的谓语动词用would/could/ should be等形式或should/would/could/might have been等形式。

It couldn’t be better. 那太好了。

That would be very nice. 太好了。

I couldn’t agree with you more. 我非常同意你的意见。

I wouldn’t have dreamed of it. 我做梦也没有想到啊!

How careless I was! I could have done better in the exam. 我太粗心了,我本来可以考得很好的。

Tom hasn’t arrived yet. I should have written down the address for him. 我本应该把地址写下来的。

―How was you interview?

―It couldn’t have been better. Luckily, I found all the answers to questions。

―Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

4. xxxsist表示“坚持说”,suggest表示“暗示,表明”,其后的宾语从句用陈述语气。

The smile on the boy’s face suggested that he was happy to die for his country。

The man insisted that he had not stolen anything and (should) be set free immediately。

5. 如果as if/though从句描述的是真实的情况,谓语动词则用陈述语气,而不用虚拟语气。

It looks as if it is going to rain。

It sounds as though she has been really ill。

6. 在“had better/would rather, would like/love to, was/were to+ have done sth ”表示过去希望做某事,但事实上未做。例如:

― Do you mind if I open the window?

―I’d rather you didn’t. I feel a bit cold。

7. had thought/hoped/meant/intended/expected/wanted/planned that + 从句 表示主语过去未曾实现的愿望。

We were to have arrived at 9:00 this morning, but I missed the first bus.

I had hoped that I would be of some help to you, but you didn’t ask me。

―Lucy is crying in the corner xxx. Did you scold her for her carelessness in her homework?

―Yes, but I’d rather not have done it. 我要是不批评她就好了。

五. 精典名题导解

1. (山东)Thank you for all your hard work last week. I don’t think we ______ it without you。

A. can manage B. could have managed C. could manage D. can have managed

考点解析:句中的介词短语without you表示一个假设的条件,而时间状语last week表明句子陈述的内容与过去的事实相反,因此最佳答案为B。

2. (2008江西)What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he ____ better。

A. need have done B. must have done

C. can have done D. might have done

考点解析:“What a pity!”暗示他的表现令人遗憾。鉴于他的能力和经验,他本来可能发挥得更好,因此用might have done,最佳答案为D。

3. (郑州市第二次质量检测) ―I wish I ________ the meeting。

―But you didn’t。

考点解析:答语But you didn’t暗示对方没有参加会议。因此说话人说“我真希望我参加了那个会议。”在wish后带的宾语从句中 ,如果表示与过去事实相反的愿望应用过去完成时,因此最佳答案为D。

4. (河南省普通高中20毕业班教学质量调研考试) ―Why didn’t you come to Mike's birthday party yesterday?

―Well, I________, but I forgot it。

have have

考点解析:答语意为“我本来应该去的,但是我忘记了”。should have done 表示“本来应该做某事,而未做”。作为简略,done 被省略,只保留should have,最佳答案为A。

5. (年河北保定市高三调研试题)I ____ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn’t get way。

A. was planning B. had planned C. planned D. would plan

考点解析:句意为:我原计划去散步,但是有人来访,我无法走开。had planned to do sth表示过去未能实现的打算。最佳答案为B。

6. (2009年河北保定市高三调研试题)I would like _______ you to my birthday party, but I was busy and forgot to call you。

A. to invite B. inviting C. to have invited D. having invited

考点解析:句意为:我本来想让你参加我的生日宴会,可是因为忙,我忘记了“。would like to have done sth。表示“本来想做某事(而未做)”。最佳答案为C。

7. (江西省重点中学2009届高三第一次联考)―Did you visit the famous cultural relics last month?

―No, we _____ visited it, but we spent too much time shopping。

A. could have B. must have C. can have D. ought to have

考点解析:句意为: “我们本来有时间参观(文化古迹)的,可是我们在购物上花费了太多的时间”。 could have done表示“过去本来可以做某事(而未做) ”。最佳答案为A.

英语虚拟语气英语总结 第8篇

语 法 讲 解





1. 表示与现在事实相反或不可能发生:条件状语从句:一般过去时(虚拟语气中be→were)主句用:would(should, could, might)+动词原形。

If we had time xxx, we would read it again.

If I were you, I would work hard.

2. 表示与过去事实相反或不可能发生:条件状语从句:had+过去分词;主句:would(should, could, might)+have+过去分词。

If he had taken my advice, he would have succeeded in the test.

If I had kxxxn your telephone number then, I would have called you.

3. 表示与将来的事实可能相反或不可能发生:条件状语从句:①一般过去时②should +动词原形③were to+动词原形;主句:would(should, could, might)+动词原形。

If it should rain, the crops would be saved.

If it were to xxxw tomorrow, they would not go out.


(1). 混合/错综型虚拟语气


If you had followed my advice, you would be better xxx.(从句说的是过去,主句是现在)

If I were you, I would have taken his advice.(从句是现在,主句是过去)


如果从句中含有were/ should/ had时,则可以把这三个词置于句首,省略if.采用倒装语序。

If it should happen, what would you do? →Should it happen, what would you do?

If he had recognized me, he would have come over. →Had he recognized me, he would have come over.

(3) 含蓄虚拟条件句

有时候假设的情况不以if引导的条件从句形式表现出来,而是通过一个介词短语,连词或其他形式表示。常用的词或短语有:without, with, but for(要是没有), otherwise, or, but等。

Without your help(=If we had not had your help), we could not have succeeded.

But for electricity(=If there were no electricity, there would be no modern industry.

He felt very tired yesterday, or/ otherwise he would have attended the party.

(4) 在if it were( had been )not for ….句型中的虚拟语气

虚拟语气也常用于‘if it were/(had been) not for ….’句型中,意为‘要不是由于…’。

If it were not for peace, we could not be living a happy life today.

If it had not been for your timely help, I would have gone bankrupt.

二. 虚拟语气用在名词性从句中


这种虚拟语气主要用在it is+形容词(名词,过去分词)+that+主语+should+动词原形(should可以省略)这种结构中。

① 常见的这类形容词有:advisable, anxious, better, desirable, surprising, natural, necessary, strange, important, regretful.

② 常见的这类过去分词有:decided, demanded, recommended, requested, desired, required, ordered, suggested.

③ 常见的这类名词有:duty, pity, no surprise, no wonder, regret, shame.

It was suggested that he(should)join the club activities.

It is strange (surprising, disappointing) that she (should) not have been invited.

It is a pity that he (should) refuse to accept the offer.

2. 宾语从句中的虚拟语气

① wish 后面所跟宾语从句谓语动词用虚拟语气(意为要是,但愿…就好了),其形式主要有三种:


表示对过去情况的虚拟:wish后接过去完成时/should,could have done


I wish it were spring all year round.

I wish it would be fine tomorrow.

She wished she had stayed at home.

② 在表示建议,命令,要求等动词后的从句要用(should)+动词原形。此类动词有:suggest, advise, propose, demand, require, insist(要求), order, prefer, command, ask, request.

The teacher ordered that all the books (should) be handed in on time.

. 当suggest表示‘暗示,说明’之意;insist表示‘坚持认为,坚持说’之意时,从句不用虚拟,用正常的陈述语气。

The man insisted that he had never stolen the money.

The smile on his face suggested that he was satisfied with life.

3. 表语从句和同位语从句中的虚拟语气

在表示建议,命令,要求的名词后的表语从句或同位语从句中的谓语动词要用(should)+动词原形。常见名词有:advice, desire, request, demand, proposal, suggestion, preference, requirement, order.

He gave orders that the guests (should) be hospital entertained.

His proposal is that we (should) get rid of the bad habits.


1.在as if/ as though引导的状语从句中,若从句与事实相反,则要用虚拟语气。其形式如下:

主语+as if/ though +主语+一般过去时(从句的动作与主句同时发生)

主语+as if/ though +主语+would/could+动词原形(从句的动作相对主句来说在将来发生)

主语+as if/ though +主语+过去完成时(从句的动作先发生于主句动作之前)

He talks as if he knew all about it.

She speaks English well as if he had studied in America.

He learns English so hard as if he would go abroad.

2.在it is (high) time that …句型中也用虚拟语气,从句常用过去式,有时也用should +动词原形,表示早该做而没做的事,含建议的意味。

It is time that we went home.

.此句型中,注意与‘It/This is the +序数词+time that+现在完成式的区别。

This is the first time that I have been here.


Would rather +主语+一般过去时(表示与现在或将来相反)

Would rather +主语+过去完成时(表示与过去相反)

I’d rather he didn’t go xxx.

I’d rather you hadn’t done it.

4. if only后接从句也用虚拟语气,其形式与wish的用法一致。

5. 动词hope, intend, mean, plan, want, think等词用过去完成的形式,表示的意思为‘本想,本打算,本认为’

He had meant to buy the furniture last week, but it rained.



1. The teacher demanded that the exam _____ before eleven.

A. must finish B. would be finished C. be finished D. must be finished

2. She made the demand that the journalists _____ at once ______ Iraq.

A. leave; for B. leave; to C. left; to D. to be left; for

3. He is talking so much about America as if he _____ there.

A. had been B. has been C. was D. has gone

4. The young man insisted that he _____ nothing wrong and _____ free.

A. did; set B. had done; should be set C. should do; be set D. had done; must be set

5. I suggested there ____ be a kind of language all could understand and use ____ .

A. can; it B. /; / C. would; it D. may; /

6. The suggestion has been made _____ the basketball game _____ put off.

A. for; to B. that; be C. which; should be D. to; being

7. The order came that the medical supplies _____ to Beijing for the Sars soon.

A. would be sent B. should send C. be sent D. must be sent

8. It is important that we _____ wild animals.

A. will protect B. should protect C. shall protect D. are protecting

9. Had you listened to the doctor, you _____ all right xxx.

A. are B. were C. would be D. would have been

10. _____ any change about the date, please tell me immediately.

A. Will there be B. Should there be C. There will be D. There should be

11. _____ today, he _would get there by Friday.

A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving C. Were he to leave D. If he leave

12. Should it rain, the crops _____ .

A. would be saved B. would have been saved C. will be saved D. had been saved

13. You _____ come earlier. The bus left a moment ago.

A. would B. should have C. may D. have

14. He treated me as though/as if _____ his own son.

A. I am B. I would be C. I was D. I were

15. I _____ you some money, but I hadn’t any on me then.

A. would lend B. would have lent C. could lend D. may have lent

16. A few minutes earlier and we ____ the rain.

A. have caught B. had caught C. could have caught D. were to catch

17. --- “Have you ever been to Beijing?”

--- “No, but I wish I _____”

A. have B. will C. do D. had

18. I’m glad I went over all my notes; otherwise _____ .

A. I may have failed B. I’d fail C. I’d have failed D. I’ll have failed

19. --- “What will you do during the summer holiday?”

--- “I don’t kxxx, but it’s high time _____ something.”

A. I’m deciding B. I’ll decide C. I decided D. I decide

20. What should we do if it _____ tomorrow?

A. should xxxw B. would xxxw C. xxxw D. will xxxw

安徽 But for their help, we ______ the program in time.

A . can not finish. B. will not finish C. hand not finished D. could not have finished

江苏 He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _____ it differently.

A . could express. B.. would express. C. could have expressed. D. must have expressed.

23. 09浙江. The doctor recommended that you ____ swim after eating a large meal.

A. wouldn’t. B. couldn’t. C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

福建. But for the help of my English teacher, I ____ the first prize in the English Writing Competition.

A . would not win. B. would not won. C. would win. D. would have won.

重庆. ----Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is?

----She ____ in the classroom. I saw her there just xxx.

A. shall be. B. should have been. C. must be. D. might have been.

英语虚拟语气英语总结 第9篇


[例题1]-Can you come to attend our party tonight?

-Sorry, but I do wish I ____.

A. had B. can C. will D. could

【解题关键】 解答该题的关键是要理清上下文语境,准确判断wish引导的宾语从句中虚拟结构的使用。


[例题2] It is necessary that people both young and old in China ____some English to be prepared for the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in .

A. learn B. will learn C. must learn D. have learned

【解题关键】 解答该题的关键是要注意在句型It is necessary(strange, natural, important...)+从句中,从句中谓语动词虚拟语气结构的使用。

【答案解析】在句型 It is necessary(strange, natural, important...)+从句结构中,从句中谓语动词要用”should+动词原形“构成,should 可以省略。答案A。

[例题3] If he his legs in the last training, he the coming World Cup, which he has been longing to compete in.

A. hadn’t hurt; would join in

B. hadn’t hurt; would have taken part in

C. didn’t hurt; would go in for

D. didn’t hurt; would have taken part in

【解题关键】 解答该题的关键是根据句子意思准确推断出主从句中谓语动词虚拟结构的使用,特别注意主从句动作所发生的时间不一致性的关系。

【答案解析】根据句子结构可以知道,该题是由if引导的条件状语从句,分析句意,该句表示一种假设,从句中的动作是在过去发生,即表示与过去事实相反,主句的动作是在将来发生,即表示与将来事实相反,故从句谓语动词用had done,主句用would (could, might) +动词原形。答案A。

[例题4] I was caught in a traffic jam for over an hour, otherwise I ____you waiting for such a long time.

A. will not keep B. have not kept

C. had not kept D. would not have kept

【解题关键】 解答该题的关键是要把握otherwise表示转折意义后的句子结构中虚拟语气的使用。

【答案解析】根据句子意义,otherwise 前的分句为客观事实,使用的为一般过去时,而otherwise 后一分句则表示与过去事实相反的一种假设,句中实际省略了if 条件句if I hadn’t been caught...故选项部分应为与过去事实相反的主句虚拟结构,应选 wouldn’t have kept。答案D。

[例题5] Though the girl had been suffering from the blood disease, she acted as if nothing ____ to her while facing her friends and relations.

A. happened B. would happen C. was happened D. had happened

【解题关键】 解答该题的关键是要准确判断as if引导的从句中虚拟结构的使用。

【答案解析】在as if ,as though 引导的方式状语从句中,从句谓语动词要用虚拟结构,根据题干中动词所使用的时态可以看出,选项部分是表示与过去事实相反的动作,要用had + 过去分词构成。答案 D。

[例题6] It’s high time that we students _____ even harder at our lessons as the national entrance examination is coming nearer.

A. work B. will work C. worked D. have to work

【解题关键】 解答该题的关键是要注意在句型It’s time that...结构中虚拟结构的使用。

【答案解析】在It is time that ...句型结构中,从句的谓语动词要用虚拟结构,可以用一般过去时,也可以用should +动词原形,但should不可省略。答案 C。

[例题7] ____him not to do so, he wouldn’t have made such a serious mistake.

A. Did I persuade B. If I persuade

C. If I should persuade D. Had I persuade

【解题关键】 解答该题的关键是要把握在虚拟条件句中,省略if时,句子结构的使用。

【答案解析】题干中主句的谓语动词使用了wouldn’t have made, 说明该动作表示与过去事实相反,故条件句使用表示与过去事实相反的虚拟结构if sb. had+过去分词,或使用 had sb. done 即省略了if的虚拟结构。答案D。

[例题8] His suggestion that you ____once more sounds reasonable.

A. try B. tried C. must try D. can try

【解题关键】 解答该题的关键是要注意把握在表示”建议、命令、要求“等引导的名词性从句中,虚拟结构的使用。

【答案解析】分析句子意思可以知道,名词suggestion之后的从句为同位语从句,从句中应使用 ”should+动词原形\_。其中 should 可以省略。答案A。

[例题9]-Do you mind if we set out earlier tomorrow morning?

-Well, I’d rather you____.

A. don’t B. didn’t C. won’t D. wouldn’t

【解题关键】 解答该题的关键是要注意would rather后从句中虚拟结构的使用。

【答案解析】would rather后的从句,如果从句的谓语动词表示与现在或将来事实相反,常用一般过去时,如果与过去事实相反,用过去完成时。该题根据上下文语境可以知道,选项部分的动作是与将来事实相反,故应使用一般过去时。答案 B。

[例题10]-I ____ to your birthday party last Sunday.

-Unfortunately, you were out on business.

A. had come B. came

C. would come D. would have come

【解题关键】 解答该题的关键是要根据上下文语境,准确推断出部分虚拟结构的使用。

【答案解析】根据对话情景可知,答句Unfortunately, you were out on business.(不幸的是你出差了)实际上是上一句暗示的条件。从答句所给的特定的动词时态(一般过去时)来看,上句所说内容是对过去情况的假设,故暗示的条件句应为If I hadn’t been out on business,由此可见,选项部分为主句的谓语动词,表示与过去事实相反,应选用would have come。答案 D。