

时间:2023-12-26 08:06:54 优秀作文

作文30字 第1篇

There are clouds in the ancients: the water is dripping, and when the spring is reported. In this world, there are many people who have mercy on us, such as parents, relatives and friends, classmates, colleagues, leaders, subordinates, government, society and so on.

Our lives, our health, our property, and the air, sunshine and water we enjoy every day should be our gratitude. So, although the suffering can not be forgotten, sin must be punished, but we should always be thankful and work hard to repay the organizations and people that give us kindness. So, I'd like to have a Thanksgiving Day.

On the day of Thanksgiving Day, I can bring the full marks test paper, exquisite gifts and awards in all aspects to the teachers. Return the alma mater's grace, because it is the teachers who nurture me to grow up. On the day of the Thanksgiving Day, I could hold a flag and come to the government building in return for the government's grace, because it was the government that provided me with a peaceful order and made us free from chaos. On the day of the Thanksgiving Day, I could also take money to give money to the society in return for the grace of the society, because it was a society that provided me with such a wonderful time and a free life. The heart of gratitude makes us repent and accept due punishment for our own faults or crimes; the heart of gratitude is enough to dilute the grievances and bitterness of our heart, and the heart of gratitude can help us through the greatest pain and disaster, with the heart of gratitude, and we will gradually forgive those who have had with you. Grudges even touch the people of your heart. With gratitude, we can live in a grateful world. Please invite everyone to take this kind of gratitude into action and repay everyone who has mercy on you.

I hope that there will be a Thanksgiving festival on the calendar card, so that everyone can be grateful and act in the November 24th Thanksgiving festival. Make the whole world full of love.

作文30字 第2篇

We often say: “our life journey into the love of every wave, every set of melodies, every sentence, every laugh, every eye, every step of the print...” However, the first love in the world is not just care, but more importantly, education is the transmission of the torch of wisdom.

Families, school interactive education, build a bridge between parents and students. Parents talk to the platform, talk about their students' learning methods, talk about their work experience, talk about how they get along with strangers, talk about their expectations and faith in our future, and talk about their understanding of us... They bestowed the priceless treasure on us, sending us the torch of blinding glory to us. We accept all this with a grateful heart. Listening to their words is far better than reading ten years. We feel everything with a delicate heart and feel selfless and unreservedly. Our parents are full of wisdom, and their image is so great in our hearts. At the same time, we are pleasantly surprised to find that they are eager to understand us and are eager to be understood by us.

In fact, you can be a confidant. In this activity, we have a deeper understanding of family ties. Love is an oasis in a deserted desert. When you are lonely and disconsolate, you are weak and thirsty. He will step forward, with only a drop of water, and the rolling ocean of life will spread across the heart. Love is the star of the night. We once pursued the goal and ignored its existence until one day we didn't recognize the direction, and looked up slightly. A soft light led us to take firm steps. Love is a harbor in the course of the voyage. When we go on the rocks again and again, we are slowly entering. There is no wind and waves. We can stop here, repair the wounds, prepare the supply, and raise the sails again. Because family is great, so we are grateful for family ties. At the same time, we are grateful to the teacher's diligently cultivation, “sunshine project” set up a stage for us to display many aspects of our talents.

They inspired us to write a letter to the parents during the Mid Autumn Festival, offering a greeting to their parents and saying thanks. It is their careful preparation of the parents and children communication activities, they not only inculcate us, but also often with us to the heart and heart of communication, this is the blend of kindness and friendship. So we are grateful not only for our family but also for teachers and students.

作文30字 第3篇




作文30字 第4篇

妈妈,母亲节快乐 妈妈,母亲节快乐, 我长这么大一直是您照顾我的, 我让您受了很多苦, 吃了很多累。 妈妈,母亲节快乐 记得我出生时, 哇哇大哭, 是您把我抱在怀里, 哄我睡觉。

妈妈,母亲节快乐, 记得我生病时, 您抱着我跑到医院, 晚上一刻不离的`, 守在我身旁, 直到我睡了, 您还在半睡半醒的状态。 妈妈,母亲节快乐 我将来长大了, 一定好好照顾您。 妈妈,母亲节快乐。

作文30字 第5篇

1. 圣诞到了,悦耳的铃声,xxx的鲜花,都受时间的限制,只有我的祝福永恒,愿温馨喜悦与幸福……xxx露芬芳的花朵,洋溢在你欢乐的时光!

2. 问候竟无语,此时无声胜有声;深深祝福相送,心诚则灵;打开心门,让你的幸福充盈;放慢生活脚步,化作悠闲的云;圣诞来临,愿你善待自己,天天开心!

3. 浪漫的雪花裹着温馨的祝福,在你的天地里盘旋飞舞;悦耳的钟声和着真诚的情意,在你的心坎上呢喃倾诉。圣诞到了,愿我的问候带给你最温暖的幸福。

4. 圣洁的雪花缓缓飘下,甜蜜的巧克力把芬芳散发,圣诞的钟声在你心里跳跃出快乐的音符,祝福的暖流涌向你的心里,带给你幸福和平安。圣诞快乐!

5. 浪漫圣诞节,带上你的热情,带上我的祝福,让心与心共鸣,让情与情交融,让狂欢的心情荡漾在快乐的大海里,绽放在绚丽的烟花中。亲爱的,圣诞快乐!

6. 圣诞节到了,有一件事情你必须去做,要不然,圣诞老人的礼物就没你的份,就连我的祝福也进不了你的门。快行动吧,把烟囱打扫干净,让快乐好运进家门!

7. 圣诞节快要到了,听说你不信“鞋”,不信耶稣,那我只能送你双袜子,让你相信礼物,希望你用它收到更多的财富,包括健康,包括快乐和幸福。

8. 这是不停转的地球,时间乘着热气球,把你的幸福追求,让你的快乐供不应求,我知道爱你是种奢求,所以圣诞节前就希望你答应我的请求,嫁给我。

9. 圣诞树上缀满了漂亮的星星,圣诞烟花绽放出美丽的色彩,圣诞钟声奏响了快乐的音符,圣诞老人送给你好运的礼物,圣诞短信带给你最多的幸福。

10. 在这美妙的时刻,愿你的心像乐园,盛开出娇艳的花朵;愿你的口像温泉,流淌出快乐的歌声;愿你的眼像画面,描绘出绚丽的色彩。圣诞快乐!

作文30字 第6篇

Thanksgiving is coming, and the annual Thanksgiving Day is about to begin. I don't know about Thanksgiving every year. I want to give my parents a Thanksgiving this year. I thank my parents for giving me so much.

In the evening, our family had dinner. After dinner, my grandmother, as usual, was busy tidying up the food on the table and preparing to wash the peas. I went up to my grandmother and said, ”grandma, let me wash the dishes.“ But Grandma answered me, ”no, you can play with yours.“ I came to my mother again, my mother was washing my gloves, and I was secretly excited: ha ha, this opportunity came, my own business! I said to my mother, ”mother's gloves are washed by herself!“ But mom didn't agree: ”no, you need to read.“ I had to go back to my room.

I felt a little depressed, but I was not discouraged. I continued to search four times. Why, how does the clothes put on the sofa are messy? I got them all on the bed and began to fold them up. This is my first time to fold clothes, so I seem to be in a bit of a hurry. I was walking to the sofa, picking out the best piece of clothing in my neat clothes and getting it to my bed. I first spread the clothes and fold them up, and then I will take out a piece of clothes that are not folded. But it was stacked up untidy, and I unfolded it again. After tireless efforts, I finally made my clothes neat. Then, I was in the front of the stack. The clothes that were untidy were stacked up neatly and put back on the sofa.

Mother came to the room and folded his clothes, but when he saw the neat clothes on the sofa, he first opened his mouth and looked back at me with a smile. She fully understood, and she said, ”lily, you grew up.“ Although this is just a very small thing, but I still see mother's eyes moving.

On this touching Thanksgiving Day, I hope that mom and dad can have a happy heart, because their daughter has grown up and is sensible.

作文30字 第7篇



























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作文30字 第9篇


