

时间:2023-12-27 08:02:33 优秀作文

雾霾的危害英语作文 第1篇

First of all, the impact on the respiratory system; second, the impact on the cardiovascular system; third, haze weather will also lead to the weakening of the formation of ultraviolet rays, increase the activity of infectious pathogens in the air, and increase the spread of infectious diseases. Because of less fog, children lack of ultraviolet radiation, the production of vitamin D is reduced, and the absorption of calcium is also reduced. In serious cases, it can cause rickets in infants and young children The fifth is to slow down the growth rate of children, the sixth is to affect their mental health and traffic safety.



雾霾的危害英语作文 第2篇

Because of the fog, the air quality in the capital has deteriorated. Experts are worried about particulate matter in the air, because in northern China, even if China can control the national smoking rate, fog can lead to various diseases, including lung infections and cancer. Zhong Nanshan, a respiratory expert and academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, said PM is the main cause of smog suffocation if no intervention measures are taken The incidence rate of what is expected to be increased in the next few years is likely to be the arch criminal.

The smog will replace smoking as the primary risk factor for lung cancer. The disastrous effect of smoke is nothing new, because in London winter, heavy smoke is mainly caused by severe coal combustion, which has caused the death of Londoners, which has prompted the British to die. China's government has taken action to clean up the air, and this effort has paid off today.

In cities, the concentration of PM is significantly lower than the level of micrograms per cubic meter.



雾霾的危害英语作文 第3篇

Today's weather is really strange. In the morning or cloudy day at about 6:00 ., the sky began to float on the water suce. A thin layer of fog covered the mountains from a distance.

I thought that five minutes later it would be the hazy horizon of night. At this time, I fell down in front of the window again and looked far away. I noticed that there were many granular beads on the window.

When I looked carefully, every drop of water contained a black ball Color dust and fine particles, I am surprised that when we go to the distance, high-rise buildings seem to be covered with a soft white yarn, neon decorated ribbons and more ethereal parking lot also turn on fog lights. The lights are like a bunch of light. The day is dark and beautiful, the windows fall more, and slowly, there are more small bubbles.

The window is so quiet and beautiful, I can't help but also was deeply attracted. Just when I was busy, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, accompanied by lightning and thunder, it was raining cats and dogs, and the dust on the glass could be washed away. It was also blown out without .

Hey, this is not to say that the haze phenomenon in the nature books brought home a thick _100000 yuan_ Why? _Ha ha, finally found that this is because there is a lot of smoke suspended in the air. Dust particles meet with water and become turbid, blurred vision, leading to reduced visibility. No wonder there are small spots on the glass particles.

It turns out that the dust in the air is very troublesome. Because of the serious air pollution, there are more haze weather and greater harm. Sometimes, cars We should protect the environment, plant more trees and grass, improve air quality and benefit mankind.

