

时间:2023-12-08 11:29:35 优秀作文

英语作文报道格式范文 第1篇



前面已经以特定角度进行了审题,接下来该考虑第二段该如何展开。有三种常见的论证方法,原因、结果、举例(this is because…/this means that…/for example…)。三种论证方法中,原因论证从节省工作量的角度而言最具优越性,因为结果和举例往往是千变万化的,但是不同事物往往能找到共通的原因。




一定要注意这个思路——确定立意为“xx很重要/有害处因为它能对我们产生积极/消极影响”后,接下来平行展开具体阐述有哪些积极或者消极影响,这是能把考研作文模板化的核心思路。之所以要写好处或者坏处(积极影响或者消极影响),是因为不同的事物的好处或者坏处可以是相同或者相通的,这样就为提前框架化提供了可能,比如笔者写个句子“xx is remarkably beneficial to paving the way for a person's further development and personal fulfillment.(xx对一个人的长远发展和个人成就大有裨益。注:to是介词,后面应该用动名词)”这里的xx可以是勇气,可以是合作精神,可以是乐观,可以是毕业时做出一个好选择,可以是以父母为榜样,可以是实干的品质,这些都是真题里出现过的话题。







The aim of the cartoon is to illustrate that time management is of great significance because it will exert many positive impacts on our daily life.


展开时平行展开,在语料库里挑出适宜论点,在上图语料库中挑选出185号论点“advance your most important work and your longer term goals 推进你最重要的工作以及你的长期目标”和195号论点“promote healthy work-life balance 促进健康的工作与生活平衡”。

回到我们的基本思路——评价一个事物的好坏利弊,积极消极影响影响。从常识判断,时间管理对“推进工作和长期目标”及“促进健康的工作和生活平衡”是有益处的,所以我们用be beneficial to sth去衔接(这里to是介词,后接名词或动名词)。

① Time management is beneficial to advancing your most important work and your longer term goals.

② Time management is beneficial to promoting a healthy work-life balance.


Firstly, time management is beneficial to advancing our most important tasks and our longer term goals, thus promoting a healthy work-life balance.














英语作文报道格式范文 第2篇









As the CEE is approaching, a yearly activity named “Come on Senior Three”was held on our school playground on the afternoon of May 30th.

Aiming to help Senior 3 students to relieve stress and cheer them up, not only teahcers but also the students in Senior One and Senior Two all took an active part in the activity, and they gave wonderful and inspring speeches,besides which, students and teachers sang songs together and they all enjoyed themselves very much.

In my opinion, this kind of activity is a great way to deal with study pressure for Senior 3 students, for they can get away from the study for a moment and get relaxed and refreshed. Therefore with the pressure gone, I think they will do well in the examination.





英语作文报道格式范文 第3篇










As the CEE is approaching, a yearly activity named “Come on Senior Three”was held on our school playground on the afternoon of May 30th.

Aiming to help Senior 3 students to relieve stress and cheer them up, not only teahcers but also the students in Senior One and Senior Two all took an active part in the activity, and they gave wonderful and inspring speeches,besides which, students and teachers sang songs together and they all enjoyed themselves very much.

In my opinion, this kind of activity is a great way to deal with study pressure for Senior 3 students, for they can get away from the study for a moment and get relaxed and refreshed. Therefore with the pressure gone, I think they will do well in the examination.





英语作文报道格式范文 第4篇

1891 fanfares in Massachusetts springfield city ymca international training school for springfield (after college), by this school physical education teachers James naismith, when the doctor invents the basketball rules only 13, dr naismith in 1939, died at the age of 78. He never expected, he created by the basketball project in more than 200 countries actually circulating market, and so far the USA basketball also full global reputation. To commemorate naismith invented by dr basketball feat, in springfield college campuses built the USA basketball hall - James naismith celebrity memorials.

At first, two naismith peach basket don't nail in key body inside the stand of the railing, peach basket along with distance ground meters, football game tools, to basket throwing. Pitch into the basket scores one point, press scoring a decisive. Each pitch the shot, the ball out to climb the ladder restarted game. After gradually will live on the bottom of the iron instead of bamboo basket, again to hoops below hang nets.

英语作文报道格式范文 第5篇

Note: please read the following advertit carefully and write a reply letter in the name of Wang Peng. Please remember to send your letter to the advertit you should write about the human resources department, Lansheng building, middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai. Wang Peng, Zhongshan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, January 8, dear Mr.

or Ms., I learned from Beijing Youth Daily on January 8 that your company intends to recruit a secretary I am happy to write to explore the possibility of applying for a job. I graduated from University for two years. During the University, I got a bachelor's degree in business administration.

My major courses include macroeconomics, business communication skills, marketing and computer applications. I especially like communication skills, which enable me to deal with the people and things around me well when I graduate. I work as an assistant to the head of marketing at HP China.

My responsibilities include conducting market research, writing reports and organizing department meetings. The two years' work experience has been very helpful to me in many aspects, especially, I am increasingly aware of the importance of coordination and cooperation among colleagues. I also believe that this experience will enable me to be qualified for the current vacancy in your company.

I passed CET-6 with high marks. I am also fluent in spoken English and can organize meetings in English. This is actually my daily work at HP.

Most of my marketing reports are written in English because my former boss is a native English speaker. I have attached my resume and some related documents. If you need further information, I would like to ask my former Mr.

Johnson Thank you for your sincere consideration and look forward to an early interview with your sincere Wang Peng.





英语作文报道格式范文 第6篇









参考词汇:义卖charity sale


On the afternoon of May 25th an charity sale was held by the Student Union on our school playground. Although it was hard work, students actively took part.

In order to organize it sucessfully, we made full preparations. Before the sale, from the students we collected various used books, second-hand goods which were still in good condition and classified them. When the day came,students and teachers all came and took an active part in it. At the end of the activity, we raised 5000 yuan in total.

All the money we raised will go to the students from poor families in our school to help finish their studies. It’s such a meaningful acitivty that students are all looking forward to the next charity sale.





英语作文报道格式范文 第7篇

Have fun playing basketball.

I am a sports fan,basketball,table tennis,badminton·· · · · ·are sports I them,basketball is my best love,because it brings me joy.

When I put on a sports jacket,running in a basketball game,there is a feeling of freedom remain blue sky and white clouds,sunshine,fresh air makes me to all the trouble to soak in the head.

When I have a rhythm on the court slapped basketball,it issued a “bang,bang,bang ” sound,that sound inspire people.

Whenever I get rid of each other's attack,firmly into the basket,there will be a joy and the ball “ bang,bang ” and shoes and ground milled “ squeak,squeak ” sound interleaved together,sounded like the symphony let me revel in it!

I love basketball,I love basketball,because it can make me happy and bring me joy!

My classmates and I often play together,this is more played basketball with classmates and happy,in our hands freely,because we played very now because the power is not enough,so the three points and almost,I am going to practice!

More exercise will have a good body!

英语作文报道格式范文 第8篇

Note: please read the following advertit carefully and write a reply letter in the name of Wang Peng. Please remember to send your letter to the company mentioned in the advertit. The words you should write are Sansheng building, middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai.

On January 8, Wang pengnuo, Zhongshan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai. Dear Mr. or Ms., I learned from Beijing Youth Daily on January 8 that your company is looking for a secretary I am very happy to write to explore the possibility of applying for a job.

I graduated from University for two years and got a bachelor's degree in this field. During my college years, my major courses included macroeconomics, business communication skills, marketing and computer application. I especially like communication skills, which enable me to deal with people and things around me well.

After graduation, I worked as assistant director in HP China branch. My responsibilities included conducting market research, writing reports and organizing department meetings. My two years' work experience has been very helpful to me in many aspects.

In particular, I am increasingly aware of the importance of coordination and cooperation among my colleagues. I also believe that this experience will enable me to be qualified for the current vacancy in your company. I passed CET-6 with high marks.

I am also fluent in spoken English and can organize meetings.





英语作文报道格式范文 第9篇

You should write at least a few words in Chinese according to the outline given below: what English do students need today? It seems that everyone is learning English, especially students, but what do students learn? A survey by a university teacher gave us some hints. The results show that students need English for different purposes. Most students learn English because they need to read English textbooks or magazines or attend English lectures, but only a few students use it.

From the survey results, there are some differences between economic students and engineering students in talking to English speaking visitors, attending seminars, writing letters, etc. Economics students need to read English Business Textbooks and write reports in English. We can see that the purpose of students' learning English varies with different academic fields.

Students' learning purpose is one thing. Sure: students need English, College English teaching should strengthen Vocabulary: the survey results show that students need English for different purposes, which indicates that students need English for different purposes With the changes in the academic field, one thing is certain to be strengthened.

