

时间:2023-12-17 10:56:51 优秀作文

六年级上册英语第一单元路线作文 第1篇


8. 第一单元话题:交通方式 图中有几人? There are 2 people in the picture. 图中是谁?He is John. \ She is Amy. \ They are my parents. 是男孩还是女孩He is a boy (man). \ She is a girl (woman).去哪里He goes to school. She goes home. They go to the zoo. 干什么?He reads newspapers. \ She goes to work. 怎样去?He goes on foot. \ She goes by bike. \ They go by plane. 心情如何?He is happy. \ She is happy. \ They are happy. xxx:

Look! There are 2 students in the picture.

They are John and Amy. They go to school.

They go on foot. They are happy.


1. 请问?Excuse me .

2. 图书馆在哪里?Where is the library ?

3. 我怎样才能去到图书馆?How can I get to the library ?

4. 远不远? Is it far ? 近不近?Is it near ?

5. 它在邮局旁边。It’s next to the post office.

6. 是的,它很远。Yes, it’s far. 不,它不远。No, it’s not far.

7. 你可以乘1路公车去。You can go by the bus.

8. xxx:

A: Excuse me. Where is the cinema, please?

B: It’s next to the post office.

A: Is it far ?

B: Yes, you can go by the bus.

A: Thank you.

B: You are welcome.


1. 打算去哪里?I’m going to the bank. \ She is going to the zoo.

He is going to the park. \ They are going to school.

2. 将要干什么?I’m going to plant trees. \ She’s going to take a trip.

3. 打算怎样去?I’m going on foot. \ They are going by subway.

4. 心情将如何?I will be happy. \ She will be happy. \ He will be happy.

They will be happy.

5. xxx:

Amy is going to the bookstore.

She is going to buy a card. She is going on foot.

She is going with her mother. They will be happy.


1. 他是谁?He is my uncle.

2. 她几岁?She is 12( years old.)

3. 住在哪里?He lives in China. \ She lives in ShiPai.

4. 爱好是什么?He likes diving. \ She likes swimming.

5. xxx:

Look! This is Alice. That is her sister Ann.

They are twins. They are 12. They live in

China now. Alice likes reading. But Ann

likes watching cartoons. They are happy every day.




1. 是干什么的?He is a doctor. \ She is an engineer.

2. 在哪里上班?He works in a hospital. \ She works in a company.

3. 上班干些什么?He helps sick people. \ She designs cars.

4. 心情如何?He is happy every day. \ She feels happy.

5. xxx:

Look ! She is my aunt.

She is a policewoman.

She works in a police. She goes to work by motor cycle.

She helps people find their way. She is happy every day.

第六单元话题: 自然

1. 雨的形成(即水的循环过程):

Where does rain come from ? Do you know? Let me tell you!

The sun shines. The water in the river becomes vapour.

The vapour becomes clouds in the sky. The clouds becomes rain.

The rain becomes water in the river again. This is the water cycle.

2. 如何种树:

Let me tell you how to plant a tree. First, dig the soil. Then put the plant in the soil. Water it . Wait for it to grow.

3. 如何种花:

Let me tell you how to plant a flower. First, put the seeds in the soil.

Put the pot in the sun. Add water often. Wait for a sprout. Wait for a

flower to grow.


1. 看图写作:图中有几人,是谁?男孩还是女孩?去哪里?怎样去?干什么?心情如何?





2. 看图写问答:






2. 用书信格式向你的朋友John介绍你妹和阿姨的情况:

Lily: 12岁,thin, playing the violin, student, by car, 周末打算去动物园

图书馆 12路

Miss Li: 28岁,pretty, singing, music teacher, by subway, 打算去游泳 ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

六年级上册英语第一单元路线作文 第2篇


8. 第一单元话题:交通方式 图中有几人? There are 2 people in the picture. 图中是谁?He is John. \ She is Amy. \ They are my parents. 是男孩还是女孩He is a boy (man). \ She is a girl (woman).去哪里He goes to school. She goes home. They go to the zoo. 干什么?He reads newspapers. \ She goes to work. 怎样去?He goes on foot. \ She goes by bike. \ They go by plane. 心情如何?He is happy. \ She is happy. \ They are happy. xxx:

Look! There are 2 students in the picture.

They are John and Amy. They go to school.

They go on foot. They are happy.


1. 请问?Excuse me .

2. 图书馆在哪里?Where is the library ?

3. 我怎样才能去到图书馆?How can I get to the library ?

4. 远不远? Is it far ? 近不近?Is it near ?

5. 它在邮局旁边。It’s next to the post office.

6. 是的,它很远。Yes, it’s far. 不,它不远。No, it’s not far.

7. 你可以乘1路公车去。You can go by the bus.

8. xxx:

A: Excuse me. Where is the cinema, please?

B: It’s next to the post office.

A: Is it far ?

B: Yes, you can go by the bus.

A: Thank you.

B: You are welcome.


1. 打算去哪里?I’m going to the bank. \ She is going to the zoo.

He is going to the park. \ They are going to school.

2. 将要干什么?I’m going to plant trees. \ She’s going to take a trip.

3. 打算怎样去?I’m going on foot. \ They are going by subway.

4. 心情将如何?I will be happy. \ She will be happy. \ He will be happy.

They will be happy.

5. xxx:

Amy is going to the bookstore.

She is going to buy a card. She is going on foot.

She is going with her mother. They will be happy.


1. 他是谁?He is my uncle.

2. 她几岁?She is 12( years old.)

3. 住在哪里?He lives in China. \ She lives in ShiPai.

4. 爱好是什么?He likes diving. \ She likes swimming.

5. xxx:

Look! This is Alice. That is her sister Ann.

They are twins. They are 12. They live in

China now. Alice likes reading. But Ann

likes watching cartoons. They are happy every day.




1. 是干什么的?He is a doctor. \ She is an engineer.

2. 在哪里上班?He works in a hospital. \ She works in a company.

3. 上班干些什么?He helps sick people. \ She designs cars.

4. 心情如何?He is happy every day. \ She feels happy.

5. xxx:

六年级上册英语第一单元路线作文 第3篇

中考英语作文xxx “问路”

根据下列提示,编写一段题为“问路”的对话(60--80个字):Green太太想去博物馆,但不知如何走,于是就向一位警察询问。警察告诉她沿街走到第二个十字路口向左拐,拐角过去第三幢楼就是博物馆。Asking the Way

Mrs. Green: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the museum?

Policeman: Certainly. Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. You can’t miss it.

Mrs. Green: Oh, let me see. Go down this street, turn left at the second crossing. and the museum is the third building from the corner. Am I right?

Policeman: Yes, that’s right.

Mrs. Green: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

Policeman: You are welcome. Bye-bye.